How to Build a Successful Career?

 How to Build a Successful Career?

How to Build a Successful Career?


In this video Mr. Paritosh Sharma, Professor Bada Business sheds light upon the strategy for career success.


Today you will get a career succes

s strategy that helps you to grow your career and achieve success if you want to become:

  • Employee
  • Entrepreneur
  • Intrapreneur

You will know about a career success strategy that will achieve huge success in your career. This is a career strategy that Mr. Paritosh Sharma learned from Soft Bank.

  • Mr. Paritosh shares his experience with this method that he had learned from the Soft bank during his career. Soft Bank is the world’s largest venture capital fund today. The soft bank has invested millions of dollars into famous groups such as Alibaba, Oyo rooms and we work, etc. The soft bank has invested in an Indian company where Mr. Paritosh used to work was known as “hike messenger”. Although hike messenger could not achieve success while working for the company, he learned this method of work from Soft bank and he implemented this wonderful method throughout his career till now. Even he is following this method while shooting for this video.
  • This method is known as “Quiet Hours”. Generally, professors and parents say ‘Be Quiet’ means you need to be silent and they need peace.

#1 What are quiet hours?

Quiet hours are an incredible strategy because whenever you want to do something important in life you need to focus. This can be explained with the help of the above examples:

  • Suppose you are a pilot and flying a plane, it is not possible that you can sleep or you can take a power nap while flying the plane by depending on autopilot and plane will land itself.
  • Suppose you are a train driver and if you are driving a train, it is not possible that things will be done automatically.
  • Suppose you are a heart surgeon and doing an operation and the body movement will be there automatically. It is also not possible.  

Therefore, to get success in all these operations all one need is:

  • Full Attention
  • Full Focus
  • Full Peace of mind  

#2 Cancel the noise around you

  • Attention, focus, and peace of mind can be delivered only when you cancel all the noise around you.
  • You have heard of companies selling headphones known as ‘noise-canceling headphones”. Quiet hours are just like this way that basically means noise canceling.
  • There is so much noise around you today. The biggest noise today is social media such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram in which you receive notifications day and night from your friends and you keep on checking the comments.
  • It noises everywhere that breaks your attention again and again.
  • Whenever you do some work your attention breaks because you receive and check some notification on WhatsApp and this happens again and again. If attention will break so many times then questions arise?
  • How will you work?
  • How will you have built focus?
  • How will you move further?
  • If you want to become an employee, entrepreneur, or intrapreneur if you lack focus and attention span you will not be able to grow and this is very clear.
  • Mr. Paritosh explains this concept with the help of his own experience as follows:

When he joined hike messenger it was a big company, he was 29 an employee of that company, and the team grew afterward. Now soft bank implemented an amazing rule in the company that 12- 3 noon little before the lunchtime and after lunch there were Quiet hours. There were some days when quiet hours were followed after lunch2-4pm. During these quiet hours it was followed in the company that means:

  • No one will talk to each other.
  • Google chat will be used to send an important message to each other in the office.
  • No one will go to some other colleague's seat to talk.
  • No meetings were allowed except urgent and critical meetings where a customer is being called for a meeting.
  • Full-fledged 100%focus on single work at the same time.
  • Phones were clearly asked to keep their phone on silent or airplane mode 

Now while doing this video, Mr. Paritosh Sharmahas kept the phone on airplane mode and delegated his work to the people. There is no distraction around and his 100% focus is on you only because If the focus is not there, then attention will be distracted and he will not be able to change the life of lakhs of students.

#3 Implement the strategy of quiet hours in your life

You have to implement quiet hours in your life through google calendar in which:

  • Find at least 3 hours for you in which you sit silently without checking any notification and do one thing at that time.
  • They can be any three hours early in the morning 4-7, during day time or in the evening.
  • Ideally, quiet hours should be during the daytime because it’s the time you receive a lot of notifications and you have to talk to so many people your family, friends, or others.
  • If you learn to focus during the daytime you will succeed very fast in your life.
  • These quiet hours are easy to implement what you have to do is:
  • Don’t touch your phone for at least half an hour after watching this video.
  • You have seen the video and you have made notes and now you have to keep your phone away.
  • Close all the notifications of your phone on iOS and Android phones.

For example, Mr. Paritosh Sharma has closed all the notifications of all apps during his quiet hours. He has muted all WhatsApp group for 1 year that is not important for him. He has done to ensure quiet hours for him.

  • You have to start from half an hour and slowly increase the habit to one to three hours every day.
  • When you start implementing quiet hours, you will feel that:
  • You can manage your time easily.
  • You are building competencies given in this course.
  • You have a focus on problem-solving.

For example, if you give an interview you will tell your interviewer that you have a high focus, and if he asks how?

You tell them that you understand the concept of quiet hours in the video of Bada Business that was also used by Soft Bank. You have also implemented the concept of quiet hours in your life and you can show them your google calendar and tell him after the interview you are going to focus on your work for 3 hours. You will get a job offer immediately.

There are very few people who understand these important things that help you in the fast growth of your career.

#4 Write “Quiet hours” at your work area

  • Now, what is important here that after watching this video for 1 day or two but you might miss these quiet hours and you will return your habit of checking the notifications again and again.
  • Do one thing, take a big A1, A4 or A3 sheet and write “Quiet Hours “on it take a printout and stick on the wall of your room place, college or male it a wallpaper of your laptop or phone even. It will give a signal to your brain again and again that you have to implement quiet hours today.
  • Use google calendar daily for 3 quiet hours during which you won’t listen to some other person and you do the work before or after these quiet hours.  These three hours should be followed by you without any kind of distraction.
  • We have already discussed a matrix with you is known as the “urgent important” matrix. It happens sometimes that we delay many important works and that important work becomes urgent work.
  • When this important work becomes urgent work, you have to do firefighting of that work, and your time gets wasted. Therefore, you are not able to do any work properly.

If you implement the framework of quiet hours in your life no work of yours will become urgent because you will understand:

  • These three hours are for you only.
  • You will delegate your work to others for these quiet hours.
  • You will do it before or after these three hours.
  • You will be prepared.

 If you implement the concept of quiet hours in your life you will grow fast in your career if you want to become an employee, an entrepreneur, or an entrepreneur in your career.

Md Meer Hasan

•My name is MD Meer Hasan •l am 18 years old • I belong to a middle class family • I live in est India bihar. • I have passed 10th and 12th from NCERT board • I am pursuing of B. A. from P.S.P.+2 School. Bithan.Bihar . •My strongest point is that I can learn from my atmosphere and my weakest point is that I believe in people so easily. • I have six members in my family • I am the eldest one • My father is a telar master and my mother is a home maker • I like to .... and to ... *Thank you*

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